黄山栎 Quercus stewardii Rehd. 
          产安徽、浙江、江西、湖北等省。生于海拔1 000-1 750米的山坡。在黄山海拔1 500米以上为组成森林的主要树种之一。在大别山地区常与青冈、小叶青冈组成混交林。喜生于干旱的沙质土壤,抗风及抗寒力较强。模式标本采自安徽黄山。 木材为环孔材,边材黄色,心材深褐色,气干密度0.854克/立方厘米;栎实含淀粉45.1%,单宁6.2%,蛋白质6.9%,油脂3.1%。
        Deciduous trees, up to 10 m tall, bark grayish brown, longitudinally split. The branchlets are thick, initially sparsely hairy, with round light brown pores when old; the winter buds are wide and ovate, the terminal buds are 5-6 mm long, most of them are sparsely hairy. The leaf blade is obovate or wide obovate, 11-15cm long and 7-11cm wide, with short blunt tip at the top, narrow and round base, rough serrated or undulate teeth at the leaf margin, star hairs on both sides of the midvein at the back of the leaf when the leaf is old, 10-16 lateral veins on each side, obvious branch veins; the petiole is extremely short, with long villi; stipules are linear, 3mm long, persistent. The bracteoles are linear lanceolate, about 4 mm long and 1 mm wide, reddish brown and covered with short villi. Nut subglobose, h, D 1.3-1.8 cm, glabrous. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruiting period is September. 
       Produced in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei and other provinces. Born on a hillside between 1 000-1 750 meters above sea level. It is one of the main tree species that make up the forest in Huangshan Mountain. In Dabie Mountains, it is often mixed with Cyclobalanopsis glauca and Cyclobalanopsis microphylla. It likes to grow in dry sandy soil and has strong wind and cold resistance. The model specimens were collected from Huangshan, Anhui Province.
       The wood is annular wood, sapwood is yellow, heartwood is dark brown, air dry density is 0.854g/cm3; Quercus contains 45.1% starch, 6.2% tannin, 6.9% protein and 3.1% oil.




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