天女花 Oyama sieboldii (K. Koch) N. H. Xia & C. Y. Wu
          落叶小乔木,高可达10米,当年生小枝细长,直径约3毫米,淡灰褐色,初被银灰色平伏长柔毛。叶膜质,倒卵形或宽倒卵形,长 (6) 9-15 (25)厘米,宽4-9 (12) 厘米,先端骤狭急尖或短渐尖,基部阔楔形、钝圆、平截或近心形,上面中脉及侧脉被弯曲柔毛,下面苍白色,通常被褐色及白色多细胞毛,有散生金黄色小点,中脉及侧脉被白色长绢毛,侧脉每边6-8条,叶柄长1-4 (6.5) 厘米,被褐色及白色平伏长毛,托叶痕约为叶柄长的1/2。花与叶同时开放,白色,芳香,杯状,盛开时碟状,直径7-10厘米;花梗长3-7厘米,密被褐色及灰白色平伏长柔毛,着生平展或稍垂的花朵;花被片9,近等大,外轮3片长圆状倒卵形或倒卵形,长4-6厘米,宽2.5-3.5厘米,基部被白色毛,顶端宽圆或圆,内两轮6片,较狭小,基部渐狭成短爪;雄蕊紫红色,长9-11毫米,花药长约6毫米,两药室邻接,内向纵裂,顶端微凹或药隔平,不伸出,花丝长3-4毫米;雌蕊群椭圆形,绿色,长约1.5厘米。聚合果熟时红色,倒卵圆形或长圆体形,长2-7厘米;蓇葖狭椭圆体形,长约1厘米,沿背缝线二瓣全裂。顶端具长约2毫米的喙;种子心形,外种皮红色,内种皮褐色,长与宽6-7毫米,顶孔细小末端具尖。
             产于辽宁、安徽、浙江、江西、福建北部、广西。生于海拔1 600-2 000米的山地。朝鲜、日本也有分布。 木材可制农具,花可提取芳香油。花色美丽,具长花梗,随风招展,
            Deciduous small tree, up to 10m high, with slender current year's branchlets, about 3 mm in diameter,  ficelle, initially silvery gray flat villous. Leaf membranous, obovate or broadly obovate, length (6) 9-15 (25) cm, width 4-9 (12) cm, apex abruptly narrow, acute or short acuminate, base broadly cuneate, obtuse, truncated or subcordate, upper midvein and lateral vein are curved and pilose, lower pale, usually brown and white multicellular hair, with scattered golden yellow dots, midvein and lateral vein are white and long silky hair, 6-8 on each side of lateral vein, petiole 1-4 (6.5) cm, covered with long brown and white hairs, stipules scar about 1 / 2 of petiole length. Flowers and leaves open at the same time, white, fragrant, cup-shaped, dish-shaped when in full bloom, 7-10cm in diameter; pedicels 3-7cm long, densely covered with brown and gray white flat villous, with flowers unfolding or slightly drooping; perianth segments 9, nearly equal in size, 3 oblong obovate or obovate in outer ring, 4-6cm in length, 2.5-3.5cm in width, white hairs at the base, round or round at the top, 6 in inner two rounds, relatively large The stamens are purplish red, 9-11 mm long, the anthers are about 6 mm long, the two anthers are adjacent, introrse longitudinal fissure, the top is slightly concave or the anthers are flat, the filaments are 3-4 mm long, the pistils are elliptical, green, about 1.5 cm long. When the aggregate fruit is ripe, it is red, obovoid or oblong, 2-7 cm long; the follicles are narrow ellipsoid, about 1 cm long, with two petals completely split along the dorsal suture. The tip has a beak about 2 mm long; the seed is heart-shaped, the exotesta is red, the endotesta is brown, the length and width are 6-7 mm, the apical pore is small and the tip is pointed.

    Hillyarea,1600-2000m. Liaoning, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, northern Fujian, Guangxi. [North Korea ,Japan (distribute)].

    Wood are used for making farm tools and flowers are used to extract aromatic oil. Beautiful flower color, with long pedicel, fluttering with the wind, is a famous garden ornamental tree species at home and abroad. Flowers can be used as medicine to make extracts.



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